Other Local Car Clubs

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As eastern Centre is spread over a large area your Committee thought it worthwhile to include the following local car club sites that have similar interests to ours, in the hopes that it can provide more opportunities for you all to get out and enjoy your cars with like-minded enthusiasts. If you have useful club contacts in your area please send the details to our webmaster for inclusion.


Cambridge & District Classic Car Club http://www.cdccc.uk
Spalding and East Elloe Classic Car Club http://www.seeccc.co.uk
Sporting Car Club of Norfolk [Annual classic car run]
Kings Lynn and District Motor Club [Annual classic car run]http://www.kingslynndmc.co.uk
North Norfolk classic vehicle club http://nncvc.org.uk
Suffolk Vehicle Enthusiasts ClubSecretary Colin Whitmore cmeewhiotmore@talktalk.net